→ Also likes: Medicine, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Spider Silk, Yarn, hot drinks → Also likes: Sweets, Pot Dishes, Flowers, Egg dishes → Favorite gifts: Chocolate Cake, Cake, Omelete Rice → Also likes: Vegetables, Shrimp, Lobster, Fruit, Fruit Juice → Favorite gifts: Prelude to Love, Golden Juice, Pineapple Juice You'll know it's happening because there will be an animated cutscene. If you've seen the required events and their LP is high enough, the marriage event can trigger. Kiel: The Knight’s Horse, Part-time Job at the Inn. Arthur: Medical checkup, Glasses for my eyes. Meg: Concert without an Audience, Payback to Porcoline, Porcoline bond to the Elven Kingdom, Memories thrown into the lake. Xiao Pai: It’s Contagious!, If the wind blows, the bucket maker prospers. (Titles are translated from the JP version, just look for a similar name) If you are Frey, you don't need either.īefore getting married, you need to see prerequisite Town Event(s) for whoever you've chosen. If you are Lest, you need a ring and a double bed. If RNG wants to rub your face in the mud, it could take a couple months. Raise the person to seven LP, then on the BTW options, select 'I love you', and 'I really love you.' If you're lucky, they'll ask to meet you in the town square the next day. You can't raise it above 3 until you finish the second arc. Max value is 255ĭef: Soil resistance from typhoon and tornado. Affecting your overall crops resistance from withering. Bigger value=bigger chance for crops to grow larger. Sz.: How much + points your soil has to make your crops grow larger. Bigger value=bigger chance for that crop to last longer. No.: How much + points your soil has to make your re-harvestable crops stay harvestable. Bigger value=bigger chance for crops to grow up in level. Ql.: How much + points your soil has to make your crops quality go up. Below 1.0 means slower, over 1.0 means faster. Number shows how x times faster it takes for your crops to ripen from the default, which is 1.0. Overall: Overall level of your soil based on the level of your Spd, Ql., No. Lower HP means that particular crop is more vulnerable to withering. For more info on soil conditions, see the next question. You will produce worse crops if you keep farming on the same land. Field dungeon bosses drop these as rewards.Īfter you have given the order for the General Shop or Flower Shop to carry seeds for shipped items, shipping X level produce/flower will put X level seeds in the store. Plant it and water it as you would a normal plant. Drop down left three times and fight the boss at the bottom. How do I get a dungeon seed/sword seed/shield seed?Īfter you've begun the second arc, a path will open in Sercerezo Hill, and it is ONLY open for the first five days of the month as it is blocked by mushrooms otherwise.My seeds only go up to a certain level.Get a mixer and a pot to make tomato juice and strawberry jam. What should I farm to make the most money?īoth strawberries and tomatoes give multiple returns and are generally recommended.Hold R and touch your notebook for a shortcut to your shipping information. Hold L and touch your notebook for a shortcut to the calendar. Pick up an item and hold A to automatically pick up all nearby items of the same type. I'm getting a glitch at the boss of the second act.To start the third, finish the second and wait until you have a Town Event titled Memories. To start the second, wait about a week after finishing the first and exit the south gate. There are three arcs, and you've just finished the first. I just saved Leon and the credits rolled.Doug will not come regardless until you finish the second arc.Īfter you've given the order for the Clothing Shop, exit the gate and go right.

They might be busy or involved in a town event (check your diary). They're at level three but won't come, what gives?.Forte is the exception and will travel with you from the very beginning. Get their relationship level to three first. How do I get someone to go adventuring with me?.Tap the diary on the bottom right of the touch screen. If Eliza is telling you to do something over and over, it means you need to deliver the item you got. I don't remember who I was supposed to give this item to.I finished the quest the box gave me, but it just keeps telling me to do it again.Shipping items: 50-125 pts (formula: 50 + number of shipped items x 0.00075)ĭefeating monsters: 2 pts each Max 100 pts/day Talking to everyone: 1 pt each (once a day, twice on festival days after and before)